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  • Aimee

At Some Stage...You Just Have To Leap!

Here’s the thing: Things take time to build and grow, they really do! The challenges are real. The distractions, plentiful. The fears, strong. It takes some grit to stay the course… … the DESIRE for WHAT you’re going after and WHY, needs to be bigger than your fears…

It's your North Star, the place you're heading 🌟

[Aka: the connection to your Soul!] Your raison d'être: reason for being

The drive to do the work and take the risks My North Star 🌟: Truth, Freedom and Love.

My Business Values: Excitement, Sustainability and Prosperity. My Mission: To Help Bring the World back to its Natural (inner and outer) Balance and Harmony. Empowering Womxn to Consciously Create Lives and Businesses they Love, Aligned with their Soul.

My Work: Spiritual. Strategic. Sustainable. It's simple.

(But doesn't mean it's always easy, oh no!) The fears, the shadow, the excuses, the sabotage, the shame, the guilt, the programmes, the limiting beliefs, the low self worth, the doubt...they WILL ALL COME UP in along the path in pursuit of your dreams!

(After all, without them it wouldn’t be much of a hero/heroine’s journey now, would it?) And, at the Soul level, these are our initiations for growth, expansion and rapid ascension, we chose this!

We are living in a Golden Era where massive Quantum Leaps are available, and that for that we are very blessed!

We came here to become more of who we truly are: as light, as love, as sovereign creative beings! I want to tell you about one huge BIG leap I took today: ... I put a stake in the ground for my largest investment in myself to date, with a mentor who is wildly gifted… Did it scare me: yes Did fear rear its ugly head: 💯 Is doubt and control stills trying to chip in to avert me from, what I know will be my next level expansion: yup! Did my ego catastrophize over 'worse case scenarios': oh yeah it did! But one thing I'm beginning to learn is, when you follow that Soul-led intuitive feeling, you can't go wrong. ✨So step by step my own self trust is strengthening. ✨My own flex moves getting bolder. ✨My own identification becoming more anchored in my higher self.

And (brief interlude story):

Let me tell you:

I’m not a natural ‘no-fear, leap straight in’ - kinda gal!!

That was my brother’s department. I DO NOT like cliff jumping. I did do a bungee jump once, but only because my brother did first (111m off Victoria bridge in SA ffs!) - and I’m still not 100% sure if it was all my brave ‘leap’ off the bridge that did it, or if the safety guy by my side gave me an extra little push…

So, yeah…my ego plays a good game at keeping me safe (aka small)! My shadow has loads of fun diversion tactics: control, indecision, distraction (just the tip of the ice-burg baby!) And so, yes...I REALLY DO KNOW how scary it can be to invest in yourself. I've danced around many possible investments just the last two months. “should I, shouldn’t I?” All of them resulting in a “no panico” situation of staying “safe”, small and maintaining the status quo…

This mentor was having none of it. I knew they were who I needed. They felt it. I put down my first payment and led myself through the fear!

I’ve learnt is when its the right person for what your soul needs, then it's a BIG FAT SOUL YES, there isn’t even a question. IT JUST IS. So if working with me “just is” right for you - I'm here for IT. With full faith that if your Soul is assigned to work with me, then I’ve had the experiences, lessons and embody the codes you need for your next level. (This is how it works and it blows my mind time and time again how perfectly aligned I am to my clients needs!)

Because this is how this (Quantum) Game works! It’s all about the energy - making the moves as your next level self, co-creating with all that is and holding faith the universe will meet you where you’re at.

And, as my mentor cheekily reminded me today “fortune [really does] favour the brave!” ;)

So here’s your chance for bravery!

I’m super excited to announce that THE UPLEVEL - a high level mastermind for Quantum Soulpreneurs is now open for enrolment!!

This truly is my juiciest, most potent container to date! This is for the woman who is ready to step into the flow and claim the wild abundance, impact and expansion that is available for you RIGHT NOW in your business (and life!) Xx

Any questions, email me at

As always, sending a wave of love to you 🌊❤️✨


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