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Moving from Pain to Purpose

8 weeks to the biggest soul-led breakthrough of your life! 

My love, it's TIME...

For you to shift onto a NEW, HIGHER TIMELINE

✔️ Where you're firing on ALL CYLINDERS: making your dreams a reality

✔️ Where you feel excited, confident and empowered

✔️ Where it gets to be easy and you're in flow 

so, Get Ready


👋🏽 to finally say goodbye to self-doubt, stuckness, and sneaky sabotage patterns

that have been tripping you up and ✋🏼 holding you back


from all that you TRULY DESIRE  

Now's your time 

to breakthrough



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"Get ready for the biggest breakthrough of your life! Leave supercharged with your purpose, power & joy."

My love, I see you!


You've done soo much already and yet, you feel stuck - those beautiful dreams remaining just out of reach.

WTF is going on right?!


You've got drive, ambition & you're good at planning but somehow you're in a situation that you can't ever remember signing up to. 

It's like you're attached to some invisible resistance band that keeps pulling you backwards, away from where you're trying to reach.

It feels like no matter how hard you try, you're not getting any closer to your goals.

In fact, those goals & dreams seemed to have slipped right down to the bottom of life's priority list and 'the treadmill of life' has taken over *again*.

It feels like one long uphill battle that you're never going to win and well, quite frankly you're exhausted and fed up!

Well Queen - No Panico! 

You're in EXACTLY the right place, and it is ALL about to CHANGE!

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What if I told you that


Your SOUL has all the keys and codes you need to SOAR -

They just need UNLOCKing!

>> I know because I've seen it happen again & again

I've helped so many women, just like you:




move into a whole new level of: 



  • flow


Something tells me that right now
you'd love to:

  • Feel like you no longer keep getting tripped up

  • Feel in flow again, enjoying life with ease 

  • Be lit up and excited about what's ahead

  • Feel supported to make some big decisions

  • Be making money AND making an impact

  • Be able to put your dreams FIRST

  • Unlock that fun, creative, free part of you

  • Feel your energy supercharged

  • Overcome sneaky self-sabotage

  • Boost your confidence & clarity

  • Feel like you're living the life you want

  • Be able to trust your decisions

  • Stop the war going on in your head

  • Settle into your heart & body

Are you Ready to Breakthrough?

🙉 You have a war going on in your head between what you should do and what you actually desire deep down.


🙈 You feel paralyzed by fear about what would happen if you took those scary next steps.

🙊 You don't know how to LET GO....whether it be the job, relationship or situation that's keeping them stuck.


🐵 You feel tired and dissatisfied in a life that doesn’t feel like it's meant for you ​


If you answered yes to any of these, then you're in the right place.

Here’s the thing….

There is also a (very POWERFUL) part that keeps whispering to you that "life has so much more waiting for you!"


This voice incessantly reminds you that "you're meant for greater things than this! There is more awaiting you."


(And let me tell you, right now, that nagging, niggling, itchy feeling it’s doesn't go away!) 


Because that's the SOUL TALKING 

And its incessant chatter is getting louder because now is your TIME TO BREAKTHROUGH from everything that's been holding you back, keeping them playing small and hiding

(And I should know, because I've been where you are. In fact, this is how I feel right before I'm about to breakthrough to my next level.


This game of expanding into becoming, doing and having more and more of what you desire is a lifelong game. Each time cycling round to face our fears and more forward fearlessly despite them!

That's why this course is soo valuable. You can revisit it each and everytime you're ready to breakthrough to that next level.

The first time I led myself through this programme, whilst teaching it live, my life did a full 180 - by the end of the 8 weeks, I had moved from living at friend's house in the UK, after a challenging break-up, to manifesting my dream apartment abroad, on a mountain with uninterrupted views of the sea. I'd also signed my first high-value online coaching clients and attracted a flurry of Soul Plan readings. I felt in flow and on fire!

I'd broken through what I thought was possible, I'd got clarity on what I wanted. I'd released the attachment to the 'how' and 'when' it would happen, or what it would mean if it didn't and continued to show up as that next version of myself. Empowered, aligned and inspired!

The principles of this course helped my get there, and they can help you breakthrough the stuckness, doubt and fear and create your next level in life and business too!

Alumni client, Jenny felt stuck too...

She's done soo many courses to improve her physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

But life to date still felt like an uphill battle.

It's only when we started working together and listening to that inner knowing of what her Soul was trying to tell her, that it all started to shift.

And discovered EASE  got to be part of the processs!

The inner battles she had been fighting simply melted away when we acknowledged the parts within that needed to felt and embraced.


The result: she unearthed a level of joy, ease and grace in her life that had been missing for a really long time.

Back in her flow, she began creating on purpose and aligned.


More connected to her dreams than ever before! And enjoying the process.

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“It feels’s beyond freed, its beyond enlightened…it’s a real gentleness, it’s a softening.

It’s like a 'coming home' and it just feels like I’ve stepped into the real me.

I have truly broken through to who I was always here to be."

Jenny Currie

I know you've already:

✔️ Done soo much work healing your physical, mental and emotional *stuff*.

✔️ Tried moving ahead by applying or investing in business coaches for strategys and marketing plans  that haven't f**king worked.

✔️ Listened to a million podcasts, read hundreds of books and filled many (many!) journals with your requests to the universe.

And yet, here you are, still caught in the hustle and grind! Chances are, you're still oscillating at the level of the problem and what's missing, rather than the solutions and new empowered solutions that are already available now.

Sometimes we get stuck between our fears of failure and success, and so we stay the same rather than changing. This is where the work of subconscious re-wiring and new awareness of old beliefs is crucial. Uncovering hidden fears like:

❗️Maybe you are terrified that perhaps you're not capable of making your dreams your reality.


❗️Perhaps you're scared you'll fuck it up 


❗️Maybe you're scared to find out, that if you really go for what you want, that you're not good enough or that there is something wrong with you and you're unloveable.


All these are projections of past fears onto the future. Core wounds and fears playing out as part of the game, blocking you from putting yourself and your dreams first. 

But what will you regret more - at least trying to go after what you want, or hiding and regretting that you never followed your heart and soul...


Well hunni, let me tell you right now - there is another way...

We're smack bang in the middle of a global awakening!!

The world is waking up, the divine feminine power is coming back into her rightful place 


Women are finally stepping into their sovereign

That is their DIVINE birthright!!


We've had 4000+ years of patriarchy and models of "power over" where women have been denied, robbed, persecuted, and exploited. 

We are being called time to breakthrough these systems of fear and control and claim what is rightfully ours!

We get to be the CONSCIOUS CREATORS of our lives!


The world needs you LIT UP + ALIGNED!!

The world needs YOU SHINING BRIGHT

The world needs you to LIGHT THE WAY FOR OTHERS.

This is why NOW is the time for you to breakthrough!



I created this journey, to help women breakthrough all those paralyzing internalized limitations and barriers.


Women ready to reclaim their true sovereign worth, joy and collosal power!

Women who have been dimming their light, feeling like it was unsafe to take up space and to shine!

Women, who until now, didn't realise success and joy was meant to include them!


This programme is different because:


💠 It's informed by YOUR soul's unique blueprint.

💠 It builds up your own self-healing toolbox to remove limiting beliefs for good.

💠 It includes spirit-led live activations, coaching & healing in the weekly group calls.

Introducing (drumroll please....)




 Accelerator Programme


The ONLY PROGRAMME IN THE WORLD that includes:  


🎉  Quantum activations, coaching and healing to unlock your gifts & power.


🎉 Mental, emotional, physical, and energetic practices for lasting transformation levels.

🎉 Your unique Soul's Plan and curriculum for this life, activating your innate gifts.






Hey, I'm Aimee  

I'm a Soul Transformation Coach, Entrepreneur and Intuitive Healer.

Like you, magical womxn - I am a multifaceted, fluid, evolving and ever-changing being (with a slightly allergy for being boxed in by any label!)

Annnd, I also have some core trainings in: Soul Transformation Therapy, Soul Plan Reading, EFT, Experiential/Timeline Healing, Spiritual Life & Biz Coaching. 


Let me tell you something…


Not so long ago, just like you, I felt stuck, disheartened and exhausted.

I knew I need support and guidance.

I found myself enrolling in my first online group programme.

This is why breakthrough offers you BOTH the 1:1 Soul guidance (in the Soul Plan Reading & Healing) and tailored support weekly (during the weekly group calls and telegram group)


It gave me the clarity, confidence and guidance I needed to Breakthrough the stuff keeping my stuck and into the life my soul had been yearning for.


It catapulted me from : 

  • A job where I was underpaid, undervalued and exhausted.

  • A co-dependant relationship where I felt stuck and unfulfilled.

  • A life that didn’t feel like my own - prioritizing other’s dreams..



  • Launching my dream online business, helping others. 

  • New re-aligned business model and prices - affording me time and location freedom.

  • Moving my life abroad and manifesting a dream apartment in the mountains with a sea-view.

I want this for you!

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This course is truly



"Aimee is so gentle and insightful, guiding me through all of the blocks and challenges as well as the learnings each week.


The modules cover such an incredible range, and are all incredibly valuable whatever you are going through.




I felt so supported and safe to delve into those areas of myself that I have left ignored or hidden for so long.


Everything from the Soul Plan Reading to the weekly calls had such incredible value (available as VIP option). 


I don't think there is an area of my life that hasn't changed for the positive because of if.


I would truly recommend this course to anyone feeling a little lost, or that there must be more to their world.

To anyone wanting to develop more of an understanding of their purpose or just wanting to add a little more beauty, love, happiness and to their world.


Thank you Aimee!”

Katy Ellis


Accelerator Programme


Eight-weeks to...   


  1. Realize your Soul's vision for life, love and business

  2. Build self-awareness and daily supportive practices

  3. Get confident, clear & excited to birth your creative ideas

  4. Unhook from what's been holding you back​

  5. Stop hustling and align with your Soul

  6. Deeply anchor into your truth

  7. Activate your unique soul talents

  8. Build self-trust, love and acceptance

What You'll Receive


8 x Breakthrough video Modules & worksheets 

Short daily bite-size videos and worksheets (10-30mins a day) to educate, unearth and build self-awareness, self-knowledge and a toolbox of practices to help you stay aligned and in balance.

(value £2500)


lifetime Access to Breakthrough Academy

A growing library self-healing tools inlcuding of mental, emotional and physical practices such as guided meditations, EFT, yin yoga sequences etc. to ensure you can continue to support your evolution long after the programme is complete.

(value £1500)


supportive telegram group

(value £111)


21 Day Unlock your inner artist Programme

(value £500)


66 Day Habit Tracker

(value £150)


trauma healing training

(value £333)

VIP option with tailored 1:1 support including


A 2-hour personal Soul Plan Reading, Healing and Channelled Message to connect you to your Soul Vision, activate your innate talents. Including specific personal remedies and healing practices to overcome your challenges. 

(value £555)



Fortnightly 60 minute calls to review the modules, dive into any healing, activation and spirit-led support you need.

(value £2222)

Join now
for only £222


Usual Price = £555
Pay in Full

vip package
1:1 support

Usual Price = £2222
Pay in Full

3 X £555 
vip package
1:1 support

Usual Price = £2222
Payment Plan

Join Now
What's included
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​"Aimee you are amazing


…pure magic in fact…thank you for your space holding, for holding my hand to go there, to really go there and embody all that I am feeling and to truly embrace the powerful being that I am.


You have had such a huge impact on my life, HUGE and I’m so lucky to have met you. Pure, pure magic in so many ways ✨😇👼"  (VIP Breakthrough Client)

Kerry O'Sullivan

The Modules

Week 1

conscious intention 


Acknowledging where you're at, what you're struggling with and where you want to get to.

Week 2

soul plan & self awareness


Tools to build self-knowledge and healing practices to enable forgiveness, more self-love and re-writing of internal dialogues. 


Week 3

empowerment rituals


Building new practices that serve you, helping you maintain your energy, balance, and happiness. Daily practices to start & end your day with. 


Week 4

integration work


Reflect, integrate and enjoy the healing vault. Refine your daily rituals so you can move for within your own energetic container.

Week 6

quantum shift

An incredible week where you will re-connect with your own true power and inner light. Connect to your higher self and inner-parts.


Week 6

shine bright


Deep dive to explore what lights you up and what you want to create with the universe! Allowing yourself to be led.

Week 7

conscious creation

Choose one breakthrough project that lights you up and learn a process to ensure you complete it with joy and ease!


Week 8


Reviewing and revisiting the learnings from the course and delving deeper into your embodiment of these profound practices and learnings.

Bonus 1

habit tracker

An accountability tracker that your coach, Aimee, will monitoring each week to ensure you build habits successfully.

Bonus 2

unlock your inner artist programme

Re-build your relationship with your inner child and artist! 21-day programme.

Bonus 3

breakthrough academy access

FREE EXCLUSIVE 3months access to the Breakthrough Academy!

Bonus 4

trauma healing

Trauma-informed healing to allow you to navigate and build capacity on a physiological level as you uplevel!

Before joining Breakthrough... 

Michelle was stuck doing a job she wasn't enjoying, she felt disempowered and stuck. 

During the programme and in her Soul Plan Reading we activated her psychic, clairvoyant and healing powers.


On the last day of the programme (synchronistically), Michelle was given a redundancy package from her office job.


Her newfound freedom enabled her to follow her calling, training starting her own business in energy healing!!

She now holds successfully deep healing cacao and breathwork circles, has qualified and teachers Reiki and offers Quantum Healing 1:1


“The breakthrough course was amazing!


Each module has been perfectly designed. The weekly calls help to process what we worked on in the week. I feel happier after completing the programme. The soul plan reading helped me understand the challenges I have had in my life and how to overcome the ones still present. How I can heal them to reach my soul’s purpose. I finished the course with a clearer sense of what I want to do in the future.


I’d recommend this programme to anybody that feels they want to improve any area of their life. The modules cover everything that helps you improve yourself (which in turn improves relationships, work, family) and creates a deeper understanding of why you are here and where you are meant to be. The programme helps you create healthy habits - these things that make you happier will also enable change in other areas of life. Thank you!”


Join now
for only £222

12 x £111 


Early Bird

Save £444

Available until 4th June

12 monthly installments 


Usual Price = £555
Pay in Full

vip package
1:1 support

Usual Price = £2222
Pay in Full

3 X £555 
vip package
1:1 support

Usual Price = £2222
Payment Plan

What is a Soul Plan?

A Soul Plan Reading is the energetic blueprint of your Soul for this life. It maps out your innate gifts, challenges & goals - from both a worldly and spiritual perspective.

It includes a 1:1 two hour reading and healing with Aimee where she explains your Soul Plan, identifies. how and where you can overcome your challenges, where your gifts lie, and where your Soul's calling truly lies. 

You receive a written 8-10 page report, the Soul Plan Chart, personalized healing therapies and an activation of your innate spiritual gifts.

“I recently had a Soul Plan reading with Aimee. I just wanted to tell you how incredibly amazing it is and how much I recommend them. They are so insightful and give so much clarity.

Aimee is amazing at explaining it all makes sense and doesn’t seem overwhelming but it in fact just helps you understand what you can do in the future to bring alignment into all aspects of your life. Whether that be in a more spiritual or in a more worldly and practical sense.

She’s just incredible in creating that unity and understanding for you as an individual.


“It’s amazing the depth she was able to capture who I am and shed a light on where I am going, as well as my skills and my abilities in the world.”


“One of the most important conversations that I think I’ve ever had with someone who is so full of awareness, heart and insight and connection. It was just the best thing in the world…I couldn’t recommend it anymore highly.”



Q1. How long do I have access to the course materials?


Lifetime access (or as long as the course continues running).


Q2. What are the time commitments?

8 x video modules and worksheets (approx. 30mins a day or 2.5hours on a weekend)

For VIP Option, fortnightly 60minute calls and an initial 2 hour 1:1 Soul Plan Reading and Healing


Q3. How do I know if this programme is for me?


Honestly, you already know if this is for you. Feel into the excitement that lives within you!


Q4. Do I have to have experience with spirituality to benefit from this programme?


We work with the quantum energy field, as well as on the emotional, mental and physical levels. Is it spiritual or is it science? They are two languages talking about the same things. All we ask is that you are open-minded and ready for self-enquiry.


Q5. I have strong religious beliefs, will this programme clash with that?


No, not at all. Everything is rooted in a faith in love as our interconnectedness to source energy. The material is non-denominational and non-secular. It respects whatever God is for you.


No, you're either in or you're out. An empowered YES or an empowered NO

Have further questions? Book a free call to discuss it here.

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"This course will catapult you towards the biggest breakthrough of your life!"

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I know - investing in yourself is a big deal. 


I know you want to finally feel free to soar in the direction of your dreams.

I've been where you are and I've got you!

This is the soul-led breakthrough you truly want!

A programme like no other, combining


🌟 Personal Soul clarity guidance of your Soul Plan


🌟 Quantum activations, empowerment protocols and skills for life


🌟 A transformative way of shifting how you see yourself and the world


You'll leave aligned with your soul, having shed skins you no longer need, supercharged with your purpose and power.


You'll be unstoppable Queen!

I've helped so many women Breakthrough to their Soul


And I can't wait to help you too! 

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