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  • Aimee

Birthing Quantum Soulpreneur

Before I learnt about “right timing” I launched Quantum Soulpreneur just as soon as I downloaded and received the idea - including the sacred strategy that aligns with the sacred geometry of the divine seed: my Soul Seed Strategy.

This happened last August 2021.

But something felt missing and off. It was too soon and I wasn't ready. It wasn't ready. The women it was created for, weren't ready.

The value of the investment for this container that I received when I downloaded it, at the time was also misaligned with my own self-worth, – I couldn’t get my own energy behind it and there seemed to be a missing piece.

I decided to let it go.

Instead, I followed where the energy was taking me - elsewhere. I finished my book, I edited it and I did some deep inner work.

In the last couple of days, I was being nudged to revisit Teachable – the platform where I had hosted Soulpreneur Strategists' content.

I was blown away by the amount of content we had created in the womb of Soulpreneur Strategists. There is a phenomenal body of value that was waiting in this treasure chest of material that we had co-created.

This, just to give you an idea, is over 13 modules of Soul-led work covering topics such as:

  1. Vibrational Alignment

  2. Alchemising Resistance

  3. Making Our Highest Contribution

  4. Rooting Down to Rise Up

  5. Energetic Maintenance

  6. Self-Sovereignty

  7. Self Empowerment Soulful Selling

  8. Shadow and Illumined Archetypes

  9. Emotional Alchemy

  10. Overcoming Sabotage

  11. Quantum Leaps

  12. Growing Your Inner Garden

  13. Collapsing Time etc.

And Five potent training programmes:

  • Vibrational medicine,

  • Trauma science & self-healing modules,

  • Awakening your intuitive and spiritual gifts, and

  • Intuitive coaching skills.

Plus, a collection of meditations and quantum journeys!

Dammmnnn, this is when it dawned on me:

This is everything you need to start and grow your Soul-led business, aligned with your Soul's path.

To follow your Soul’s calling.

It’s what I wished I had when I began embarking on my Soul’s work over four years ago.

I finally feel like this container is landing and is ready to be birthed through me NOW (almost nine months after I downloaded it!).

It is wanting to be birthed in a very different way than I have seen it done out there – through these voicenotes (which have transcribed) and also added as podcast episodes.

I’m feeling so ready to rise and to connect with my soul sisters that Quantum Soulpreneur (QS) has been created for, in sacred contract before we came into this incarnation. My heart and soul know that this next part of the journey is not meant to be done alone.

I feel the deep connection to my soul sisters and I am honouring and following this energy today as I birth, full-term, the Quantum Soulpreneur.

This container is not going to be for everyone. This container is for those women who are pretty spiritual (or as one of my friends said “women who are spiritual as fuck”)!

I am opening up Quantum Soulpreneur for this first round to only five women.

It’s going to be intimate. Your needs are going to be so tended to!

One of my superpowers is that I hold a deeply compassionate, loving space and channel that unconditional love. It’s transformative because of that.

It is also high-touch and high-level accelerating container. By design, I am a Time Bender (Manifesting Generator name in Quantum Human Design). This means I take leaps and find the fastest way to do things. So if you are ready to do that with your business, and the purpose and calling of your Soul, then this is for you! (it doesn’t have to be in a professional work capacity, but it needs to be your calling – perhaps a passion or project).

This is for you if you are a Lightworker, a Healer, a Soulful Entrepreneur, a Soul-led Entrepreneur, a Wayshower, a Rebel, a Service giver or Creative.

Everything you need for a spiritual, sustainable and strategic journey to align with your Soul's path.

It’s for women who want to make the second half of 2022 their best month in business to date!

It’s for women ready to expand and to die to who they have been false selves and step into the next iteration of who they came to be. Stepping more into who they came to be. Embodying more of their Soul, more of their Truth, more of their Authenticity. Stepping more into their Self-actualisation, their Individuation and utilising this phenomenal energy portal we are in.

As I said, I don’t do things slowly (also Aries Sun, Cap rising, Sag moon) – I’m going to bring the fire, I am going to help you collapse time and help you leap into where you know you’re mean to be.

We are going to do some deep reprogramming. Remembering, that when we flow and embody, this path gets to be done with ease and peace and joy!

The work is the healing work, the work is the inner work – and this is ultimately an energetic, embodiment and mindset game.

At the beginning of the year, I decided to prioritise my energetic and mindset work. This looked like doing:

  • Daily visualisations,

  • Grounding and connecting to the earth each day,

  • Sitting in stillness and getting energetic support from an energy alchemist and

  • Setting strong intention

  • Embodying that energy.

I probably did less outward ‘work’ than I had in a longtime, and I earnt more in one day in January than I had done in the past six months prior to that!

The same happened in this last month of March as well - QUANTUM LEAPS in what I was attracting (Dream soul-aligned and destined clients and four-figure days). I prioritised energy first, magnetising through embodiment, rewiring my mindset, and visualising daily.

I let the feminine feeling lead and let the magnetic energy come first and then took steps from the place of inspiration.

The healed and aligned masculine energy held the structure of rhythm and routine.

Energy trumps all and for the Quantum Soulpreneur, the energy I feel encoded within the Soul Seed Strategy is so potent and powerful!

I’ve held this in energetic utero for the past nine months so it could be infused with all of the initiations that I have led myself through.

The past nine months for me have seen me become an author, a leader and die and be reborn many many times to become a clearer channel and hold more space for the Quantum Soulpreneur!

So, yeah, it’s kind of go big or go home!

Channelling direct from Source, my heart gets burst wide open! You get to receive channelled healing from me and also from your guides. They are also coming together to hold this space.

You are going to already know if you are in.

That’s my intention.

When I have worked with guides, teachers and mentors – I know it’s them and it's the time to work with them, and then I invest. That is how I buy, in a way that is aligned for me.

So it’s not going to be a decision you need to make. It’s already done: the yes is already there for you.

So if that is you – Hello! Welcome!

I am so glad you’ve found me! Thank you for listening to your Soul. Thank you for following your nudges and I trust, and I know and I believe you are going to receive everything that you’re going to need for your highest good and the highest good of all on this journey.

This is a magical, alchemical, potent acceleration journey.

It’s called the QUANTUM SOULPRENEUR and there is only five places available.

It’s a six month journey and we begin in May.

There will be fortnightly group coaching calls that included channelled healing, hotseat coaching, business mentoring, energetic and manifestation work. These will follow the monthly theme of the Soul Seed Strategy

You’re going to have access to over 30 hours of video training material, journal prompts, workbooks, guides, channelled journeys, to help you inbetween our fortnightly calls.

You are also going to have monthly 1:1 calls with me following the transformational and like no other Soul Seed Strategy!


You will go deep into your unique Soul Plan Reading and Human Design Reading

You will get to know yourself on a completely different level – essence level, specific coding and design.

Month 2: CLEAR

We will do some deep healing, drawing on Soul Transformation Therapy and Regressional work. Clearing outdated programmes and patterns that no longer serve you and integrating back in hidden parts of you - whilst expanding in new wisdom and soul lessons.


This session is a magical downloading of what your Soul is wanting to birth through you. We take a few hours for this guided inner journey allowing for this vision to be received with clarity.

Month 4: ALIGN

We then create the linear pathway and strategy to allow this to be brought to life in the world.

Month 5: EMBODY

Anchoring and embodying the frequency now, as if you already were, had received or done the thing.

Month 6: RECEIVE

Finally, supporting the body to feel safe and supported to receive more, hold more and expand into more, with ease.

+ You will also be getting Voxer support throughout and in-between sessions.

I feel so honoured to be able to holding this space, to be birthing this and be witnessing this transformation with my sisters and soul-aligned clients.

The value for all of this is UNREAL!

I am opening up with an initial investment price that my Soul gave me those nine months ago of £555 per month.

It will be going up from here, so I know it’s going to grow and uplevel. It’s never going to be this price again, so I wouldn’t wait!

We will be beginning in May.

Right now we have a phenomenal wave of light hitting the planet and it's kind of like, ride the wave or get knocked over by it. So, this is the time to leap – jump onto that surfboard and ride this wave.

You won’t regret it!

I know that you know – listen to spirit. Trust the guidance you receive! It doesn’t always make sense.

And, if you follow that inner guidance, if you follow your inner authority and your heart and it’s already a yes, then I look forward to hearing from you!

I can’t wait to meet you in form and inside this potent, powerful, sacred container!

If you have any questions, please reach out! You can book a discovery call here or email me.

Many blessings and I will see you soon Xxx


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